Monday, May 20, 2013

APOD 4.8

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This is the APOD from May 12, 2013. It is from September 2010 and shows the moon and Venus very near each other. It was taken in Spain. The clouds offer a menacing tone to the picture. The birds also fly by with a hint of nature on their backs. Venus will sonn be visible after sunset and it will appear to be approaching Venus.

Edwin Hubble Biography

Edwin Hubble was born in 1889 in Missouri. He attended University of Chicago for his undergraduate education, but then went to Oxford with a Rhodes scholarship. While he was there he studied law for a short time. Later he realized that being an attorney was not the job for him and he turned to astronomy. He even got so far as to open up a practice in Kentucky, but he shut it down. Once he decided to be an astronomer, he got hired to work at Mt. Wilson by George Ellory Hail. He was one of the spearheads for the institution of a huge telescope there. It was named the Hooker telescope and he ended up receiving an extraordinary amount of time with the telescope. He would stand at the telescope for hours at a time just to get the pictures he wanted. These images helped him realize that there are in fact galaxies outside of our galaxy. We are not alone. He also utilized the Cepheid variables to figure out brightness and while they were so dull he realized they must be galaxies. He also noticed that most of these observed galaxies were red shifted or moving away. This helped him prove that our universe is expanding. He died in 1953. His immense contributions to the study of our galaxy gave him the recognition of having the Hubble telescope that rotates our Earth named after him.


4/23 - one hour
4/25 - one hour
4/29 - one hour
4/30 - one hour
5/2 - one hour
5/6 - one hour
5/7 - one hour
5/9 - one hour
5/13 - one hour
5/14 - one hour

Friday, May 10, 2013

APOD 4.7

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This is the APOD from May 7, 2013. It was taken in Julia Pfeiffer Bruns State Park in California. It is a long exposure that shows the milky way and various magnificent stars. It also features McWay Falls and the Pacific Ocean to the right. 

Friday, May 3, 2013

APOD 4.6
This is the APOD from April 30, 2013. It is a diagram of our galaxy. It also contains some expected dates for large space events like when New Horizons plans to pass Pluto. There are many satellites out in space measuring things that we don't even know about. This helps to make that knowledge more readily available. 

Friday, April 26, 2013

APOD 4.5

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This is the APOD from April 19, 2013. It shows the immense amount of gas and dust near the Orion nebula. It also shows Rigel and Beta Orionis. The Witch Head Nebula is also present. NGC 1788 is on the right and has newly forming stars present.

Friday, April 19, 2013

APOD 4.4

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 the highest resolution version available.
This is the APOD from April 14, 2013. It is a picture that was taken b Voyager 2 in 1989. The two crescents are Triton and Neptune. This picture is very interesting because it is a vantage point impossible to see from Earth. We never get to see Neptune's crescent stage.